dr5Transparency processing /SCALA & NewSCALA-160
                                                                                   & 20 other B&W films

111 NW 2nd ST - BOX 580 . STUART, IA, 50250-0580
     info [at] dr5.com

The “dr5 B&W-slide process”
dr5-B&W-slide ACTIVE


dr5 processing is a very diverse. dr5 reverse-processes (producing B&W slides) from over 16 existing B&W films. We also process SCALA, FOMA-r film, and the new ADOX-SCALA-160 are processed to higher specifications. The dr5-film lab is the only lab WORLD-WIDE able to run almost ALL the other B&W films to "B&W-slides"  Running: 35mm ~ 11x14 & special runs of some B&W cine films. Please email or call us if you have any questions about this service or the information on this page. Using our site guide to the left will help you understand what we do & what dr5 is. [SERVICE INFO REQUIREMENTS]

      dr5 FILM-REVIEW-  DEV-1 neutral slides   
DEV-2 Sepia service
These above links will take you to the B&W films best used for B&W-slides, including SCALA, FOMA-r film, and the new ADOX-SCALA-160. Look over the listed films. Each film type produces different qualities. Besides the different film types, each film type has PUSH-PULL quality changes that enhance the photographic experience. If you need further help we encourage you to contact us.
Our ORDER WRITE-UP Link. Your order might be delayed without it. On our write-up indicate - dr5processing shooting ISO, finishing; 35mm mounting or film sleeving, scanning and scans-size, shipping choices. These are listed on the the order WRITE-UP page.

It is important to read over our film-review pages. Understanding that these films must now be treated as slide films. They are no longer B&W-negative films when you request dr5 processing. An Important practice to understand is to disregard how you know all these B&W films as you have known them to be, negative films. These are In essence NEW FILMS as dr5 processing changes them from their negative counterpart..

 This page - PUSH RATES - explains PUSH & PULL processing for all the films run in dr5. In the FILM-REVIEW pages we determine what is normal for that particular film-type in the dr5-process. The Push-Rates page will help you determine the PUSH charges above the dr5 normal iso for that film. We do not charge extra for 'PULL' processing. Below is a quick "dr5-NORMAL" iso pricing chart.

dr5 NORMAL ISO - 120 roll - most all BW films & SCALA $15.75
dr5 NORMAL ISO - 35mm - most all BW films & SCALA $15.75 mounting - $3.75 per roll
dr5 NORMAL ISO - 220 $19.90
dr5 NORMAL ISO - 4x5 $4.25  
dr5 NORMAL ISO - 8x10 $9.95 $10.25
dr5 PUSH - 1 STOP $2.00 other PUSH RATES

SCAN RATES [scan at time of processing per roll - 10% discount]
dr5 PROCESS & SCAN - small scans [1750x1000 tiff] $9
dr5 PROCESS & SCAN - med scans [1500x2300 tiff] $13
dr5 PROCESS & SCAN - lrg scans [2000x3000 tiff] $18
dr5 PROCESS & SCAN - X-lrg scans [2400x3600 tiff] $21
dr5 PROCESS & SCAN - XX-lrg scans [3000x4200 tiff]    (35mm only) $25
dr5 PROCESS - 220 - ..
* Xpan wide format

Our roll-scanning service is the best in the industry! Each frame is seen by Human Eyes and adjusted if necessary. We also only scan your film as "tiff" files, not the cheaper internet format jpeg.

To left 'site-guide' and click on the "CURRENT RATES" icon. There you will find a complete price list for all our services.

Be sure to take care in sending in your film. Best is a small box to protect the film. X-ray has not been a concern  in shipping, but it cant hurt to write "UN-PROCESSED-FILM" on your packages if you have apprehension. See the ADVISORY link below for recent changes to our production schedule. PRODUCTION & RATE CHANGES.

If you thought ALL B&W reversal processing was the same, take a look at these test images made with the ILFORD-PUBLISHED recipe for B&W-slides. Check out our new - ILFORD REVERSAL PROCESSING TEST - page.

NOTE ON PRODUCTION: dr5 is a highly specialized photo-process. We give absolute attention to excellence. On some occasions you might experience delays in service. There are reasons this might occur. Our leading amount of delay is Quality control & volume. WE WILL NOT sacrifice getting orders out if Quality is compromised. Please be patient if this occurs. Rush & deadline service is available.

OUR PROCESSING / SERVICES POLICY AND QUALITY GUARANTEE:The dr5 process is a highly customized process. Quality control is very tenuous and precise. We will not put our clients film in hams way, for any reason. We make every effort to meet deadlines, and we will bend over backwards to provide a required delivery. If by some circumstance our controls are off, QUALITY will reside over DELIVERY. Volume will also cause delays. Quality we feel sets us apart from any other lab. We will not run your film unless EVERYTHING in the production process is perfect. The same rules apply for our other services.

 FACT FILLED TECH PAGE     SHIPPING UPDATES & DISCOUNTS     dr5 vs. XTOL-negative Comparisons     glossary
    dr5 FILM-REVIEW            Independent dr5 tests             CALENDAR 


info [at] dr5.com
alternate: dr5chrome [at] live.com

dr5 b&w-slide
BUYb&w-Slide Film

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