ILFORD PANF Ei :4~50 iso
NORMAL dr5 ISO: 20
NOTE: If you are a 1st-time dr5 user, You must shoot this film @ it's normal dr5-iso. If you have shot this film @ it's factory speed, we will not run this film in dr5 for you, there are no exceptions. 1st time users must shoot this film @ its "normal" dr5 iso. ALSO NOTE; PAN-fs limitations in DEV-2-SEPIA is normal iso and below.
This is exceptional image quality! A traditional emulsion , very sharp,
almost a grain-less, smooth image quality with a full tonal range. PANF speed
is slow under dr5. This
sacrifice might be well worth it. It has the best D-MAX of all the ILFORD
films, 4.10+. Shooting PANF at a slower speed compresses the contrast slightly but PANF doesn't relinquish it's natural quality at any iso,.
We suggest testing this film first in dr5. Experience is best obtained
1st hand when dealing with darker or shadow based scenes. PANF can have a 12 stop range in certain situations.
PAN-f in 35mm has changed from the factory. While we never get communication of tech-info ever from ILFORD, we monitor all the films we run continually. In the recent past Pan-F 35mm format was a different film, at least it's process times were different. Just recently 35mm PAN-f is now the same as the 120. For this reason DO NOT use older 35mm PAN-f for dr5. Buy new 35mm film if you are using PAN-f 35mm. We will only be running the 35mm at the 120 process times. If you have even recently older PAN-f your exposures maybe way-off.
dr5 Pan-F's NORMAL speed is 20-iso In developer 1-neutral, Pan-F-120 has a "very" slight warm neutral feel. 35mm Pan-F is very cool in tone. Depending on the density of the image [light to dark]. In DEV-2, Pan-F produces a rich sepia-on the yellow-side tone. A lighter brown-yellow tone if the image is bright. 35mm Pan-F has the same color-tone but less intense. DONOT shoot PAN-f above it's normal 'dr5-iso' for DEV-2. We will no longer run this film in DEV-2 above its normal dr5-iso.
NOTE: Pan-f is not a hearty film. Be sure to use the freshest film stock possible. Do not use old film stock or even long stored refrigerated stock for dr5 use. Unlike the other ilford films this film type is the most susceptible to fog. Protect the 120 film from direct light between loading and processing. Please test film stock that has been sitting more than a year, even if it is not out dated. A "fresh" Pan-f image is unsurpassed. DO NOT put pan-f back in the fridge once it has been shot. DO NOT put un-wrapped pan-f in the fridge. YOUR FILM WILL BE RUINED!