NORMAL dr5 ISO: 50

EI range is: 40iso - 125iso
Average DMAX for this film @ normal ISO: 2.90

ALL AGFA FILM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. We will continue to process all the discontinued films until they are depleted. The remaining film stock is being repackaged by several venders. The most well known is ARISTA and ROLLEI-RETRO. With AGFAPHOTO on the skids, this unique film will soon be in the annals of discontinued films.

A flatter quality with a full tonal range.. 

The image quality is sharp. It has similar quality to PlusX. The D-Max is weak in the process [2.90] but has a full tonal scale. It appears to have better contrast in developer 2-sepia. Developer-1 is very neutral. Shoot APX @ 50iso. We recommend you stay in this 50-speed range The D-max weakens @ higher iso's but it can be shot up to 125iso.

APX is not the first film we'd recommend for dr5. You might find it appealing. ..a full tonal scale with a first rate neutral. This film performs best in low or shadowed-low key lighting or contrasty light.